In-Person Sensory Sound Bath Experience
Sunday, October 18th
6:30 - 7:30pm
Avondale Lake House, 59 Lakeshore Drive, Avondale Estates, GA 30002
$25 per person
Hosted by: Rebecca Turk of SNDBath and Decatur Yoga & Pilates
A sound bath is one of the most relaxing experiences you can give yourself. It is an effective form of deep rest and rejuvenation for your physical body & your mind. Just 30 minutes of rest and meditation in a sound bath is equivalent to 2 hours of deep sleep.
This virtual journey of sound incorporates angelic healing sounds which radiate from Rebecca’s quartz crystal bowls tuned to the 7-point chakra system (your body’s energy system), a native drum will mimic the sound of ocean waves which are cleansing and clearing and finally, gentle tones from Koshi chimes tuned specifically to the four elements will complete the experience. Rebecca’s sound bath experiences are cleansing and rejuvenating on the deepest cellular levels; connecting mind, body and spirit.
Since we are not sharing props during Covid, please bring the following to enjoy your experience to the max.
Please bring a blanket and pillow so that you will be as comfortable as possible
New simple eye masks will be provided, however, if you have your own special eye mask or eye pillow bring it with you.
We will have padded mats for you to place your yoga mat on top for comfort.
Wear a good quality mask as you move along the check in line and take it off only after you are settled on your mat.
Keep 6 feet distance from others at all times
We provide alcohol spray bottles for you to use at your space
Bathrooms are for absolute emergencies only. If you must use it, take your alcohol bottle to disinfect everything you touch
Please arrive 20 minutes in advance to prepare your space so we can begin on time. Leave extra early if you have not driven to this space before. Facing the Lake House from Lakeshore Dr., walk around the RIGHT side of the building to be checked in.