SNDBath provides Sensory Sound Bath Experience at Usher’s New Look Disruptivator Youth Summit
July 2019
Emory University
Usher’s New Look is a non-profit organization that transforms the lives of underserved youth through a 10-year comprehensive program that develops passion-driven, global leaders. Twenty years ago, a then 20-year-old Usher Raymond IV sat in the back of an Atlanta courtroom with his mother Jonnetta Patton, listening to juvenile court hearings. As each teen took the stand and shared their testimony with the judge, their stories began to flow together. Each one was connected by a common thread; the circumstances that had led them there. At the root of each narrative, Usher and his mother observed a lack of mentorship, opportunity and exposure.
It was from this experience that Usher was driven to ignite a movement that would provide underserved youth with the ability to see past their current circumstances and discover a new perspective, or new outlook, on what their life could be. With the help of his mother, he formed Usher’s New Look (UNL), as a catalyst to empower and instill confidence in young people all over the world. His goal that year was to help 10 Atlanta students discover their potential and unlock their purpose. Now, 20 years later, UNL has now touched the lives of over 50,000 youth around the world.
Usher’s New Look hosts a Disruptivator Summit each year, which is a three-day summit at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. It exposes students 17-22 years old to people and ideas that will empower and encourage them to expand their mindset. The goal of the summit is to inspire attendees to leave thinking bigger and operating in their lives differently, to ignite their spark, find their passion and perhaps become the next President, artists, mogul or automotive creator.
During the 2019 summit, Rebecca Turk provided a unique sound bath experience for over 100 youth and foundation leaders. For many, this was their first experience with sound healing, meditation and yogic practices. The intention was to open the minds of participants to new ways of coping with stress and anxiety as well as creating balance between mind, body and spirit.
“Oprah, Steve Jobs and many other pioneers challenged the status quo because they wanted to change the world that we live in by way of their perspectives. You have that same opportunity.”